Saturday, March 17, 2012


Ya Ya..weekend..i love weekend
this weekend i will go to hair cut, do something can make my body rileks and anything else.. just now my dear said that he was miss me so much :"> me also beib.. and he said that he will call me for 300 minutes, thank my dear, i'm waiting for your call honey..

Ok then, i go home fist okay..hepi weekend guys!

Monday, March 12, 2012

One year!! So Glad!!

Wahh already one year i never post something in my blog. Miss u blog!! hiks"... hi epribadi!!how come?? really i have a very busy life everyday and when i open my eyes already one year ouchhh >.<" Hey, i have a good news, today is my anniversary day, one year already honey :* .Last night we went to have a dinner to celebrate our anniversary, so nice honey (big huggg) . I hope u also feel happy same with me hehehe.. Oya, i have a exercise from my college, so funny this exercise, my lecture told us take a picture in a menara PDAM, Tjong A Fie's home and Pos Indonesia. u want to see my picture, i think these pictures not really bad. Cekidot.. Menara PDAM

Tjong A Fie's home

Pos Indonesia

That's all, nice right? Hehe.. okay, let's continue work!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Today our college make a seminar, about a Leadership with the speaker Mr.Steven Fernando. My friends and me become a committee in this seminar, so glad that we can be selected become a committee, very nice day. Now let's us see some of my picture with my beloved friends..

A nice friends with a freak style hahahaha...

Come back! long time i never update my blog again, i think my blog already die hahaha..yah2, what's up people?hope we always in a good day everyday. i think i already keep promise to tell what my desire and all my fault in 31December2010, but i didn't do it, so sorry..bcoz that time i was very busy, i have a old and new party with my i can't update my blog, yah it's okay, what things already passed just passed it, so i think is not important again to tell about the passed things what i already promise to tell, now i think is more good to see our future :D

By the way, we already passed chinese new year right? my chinese new year this year is very nice, meet a new person, have a good relationship with my friend and each other, i really like it. Day by day i think God open my eyes to see what i must do now, i trust what happen in my life now that's all is God plan to me..yeah i trust it God! Honestly,now i meet a new person in my life, maybe now i can't tell to much to you all, now i just give all my life journey to His hand. If one day, that person is messenger of God, i will tell you all who is that person. Amen God.. just wait it fren~

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Be your side

Never think now we very close to new many thing we already done in this year, i will write all in this blog tomorrow :). Now i will write some of poem about friendship...yeah, suddenly want to write and tell you all friend :) Let's us see..

People like you are found only once in a lifetime. So you better take care of yourself because I don't want to waste another lifetime to find a such a SWEET Friend.

My heart is like an open book, it depends on how u read me. Don't judge me by my cover. Look in and discover. I will be your true friend for ever.

I was never tired of this life and it's not gonna matter if I fall down twice, coz I know each time I fall, you won't let me hit the ground. Thanks for being around my friend!

True friends are like mornings, you can't have them the whole day but you can be sure they will be there when you wakeup tomorrow, next year and forever.

Treat life as the sea, your heart as the shore, and friend as waves. It never matters how many waves there are, what matter is which ones touch the shore.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happiness! I'm welcome!

Let's pass everdays with happiness! Love this picture so much ...let's us see


 Look around..still many love and happiness want to come to you

Monday, December 13, 2010

Start for a new life

Okay..hi2. Wake up from my history, now lets get a new life. I think now I more better good from last 3 weeks ago. Yaps! Life is beautiful..just enjoy it, n believe we can get more better thing. God already wrote our life journey and I know He already give a perfect thing I never think before. I think now what I want I almost got it, n I believe I can got it. Day by day I walking to face fact in my life, now I know, what I do is right. For all people I love, I want to say once again " I love u all so much". Hahaha.. Wuizh very close to 25December..a beautiful white christmas..hope we can get our dream in this christmas..

I'm dreaming in a white christmas...